Validic’s High Frequency Data Support Will Enable Wearables to Deliver Minute-to-Minute Readings

Validic, a provider of solutions for personal health data, announced the support...

Image: Validic

Validic, a provider of solutions for personal health data, announced the support of high-frequency data, enabling organizations to receive standardized activity, heart rate and blood glucose data at a rate up to one reading per minute. The availability of these data for use in healthcare and wellness programs indicates an important shift toward more real-time, individualized interventions and coaching services.

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“High-frequency data provides the detail needed to understand a person's daily habits and behaviors,” said Drew Schiller, Validic CEO.” With this advancement, our partners and clients can provide more timely and relevant interventions to help people live healthier lives.”

As research continues to demonstrate the value of being active throughout the day and raising one's heart rate regularly, data that better-illustrates an individual's lifestyle is paramount to driving healthier behaviors and personalized recommendations.

With high-frequency data – also known as time-series or intraday data – organizations can use a person's activities throughout the day to provide consistent, precise feedback that encourages behavior change. For instance, as part of a wellness program, high-frequency heart rate data can allow artificial intelligence or a coach to understand the level of effort throughout a workout and provide appropriate feedback, said Validic in a press release.

Similarly, in diabetes management programs, high-frequency readings from continuous glucose meters can provide insight into an individual's glucose values throughout the day, not just the few times they may complete a finger-stick reading before or after meals. This granular data enables more individualized coaching or treatment adjustments. High-frequency activity and heart rate data can also be valuable for post-discharge monitoring. For instance, a clinician can view the duration and intensity of activity a patient performs after a surgery. With continuous access, an intervention can occur that day, educating the patient on the risks of strenuous exertion and preventing the person from repeating that action.

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Validic offers connectivity to a variety of sources delivering high-frequency data, including steps, heart rate, distance, elevation and blood glucose data from Apple, Fitbit, Garmin and Dexcom devices.

High-frequency data is available via Validic's streaming and REST APIs. As more devices support the delivery of data at high-frequency intervals, Validic plans to expand its high-frequency data offerings.

Durham, NC-based Validic guides healthcare and wellness organizations through the technical complexities associated with accessing and operationalizing patient-generated health data for virtual engagement and remote patient monitoring.

Sam Draper
November 4, 2019

Innovation of the Month

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