Total Brain Joins AMA to Study Uses of Heart Rate Variability Data to Reduce Stress and Cardiovascular Incidents

Neuroscience-based mental health and fitness platform Total Brain.

Image: Total Brain

Neuroscience-based mental health and fitness platform Total Brain is collaborating with the American Heart Association’s Center for Health Technology & Innovation’s (the Center) Innovators Network to find innovative and scalable solutions across the healthcare market.

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“We are thrilled to join the American Heart Association’s Innovators Network. By combining Total Brain’s vast neuroscientific expertise and innovative platform with the American Heart Association’s cardiovascular expertise and resources, we are well-positioned to further understand the connection between the brain and the heart,” said Louis Gagnon, CEO of San Francisco-based Total Brain.

The Center helps members of its Innovators Network in the healthcare technology field align and integrate their technology with Association’s digital resources to encourage development of digital healthcare solutions. Total Brain wants to use this partnership to study the validity and reliability trade-offs involved in using continuous heart rate variability (HRV) signals to measure and affect stress and high blood pressure. Smart watch and other wearable device makers will be invited to participate in the study in exchange for insights, benchmarking information and product integration opportunities, said Total Brain in a press release.

Our mental health affects our physical health because the brain and heart are two highly connected organs. Each year, an estimated 44 million U.S. adults experience a mental health condition. Those with a mental health condition are at 67% higher risk of heart disease. They are also 85% more likely to suffer a heart attack and 3 times more likely to develop hypertension. If the brain and heart work together and generate precious insights that may lead to prevention or better treatments for both mental and cardiovascular health issues, the press release said.

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“We’re excited to see Total Brain incorporate the Association’s condition management plans, called CarePlans, into this study and we look forward to applying our unique cardiovascular research expertise to help improve health education and health engagement,” said Patrick Wayte, Senior Vice President of the American Heart Association’s Center for Health Technology & Innovation.

Sam Draper
July 23, 2019

Innovation of the Month

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