NeoRhythm Wellness Wearables Just Got Updated In Time for Christmas

The brain-hacking wellness wearable NeoRhyhm just got updated in time for Christmas. MDCN Tech...

Photo credit: PRNewswire

The brain-hacking wellness wearable NeoRhyhm just got updated in time for Christmas. MDCN Technologies Inc., the maker of NeoRhythm said all 11,000 devices on the market have been updated.

From an initial crowdfunding goal of $25,000, the company raised 67 times that, nearly $1.8 million, making them one of Indiegogo's most successful projects ever.

Read more: NextMind Starts Shipping its DevKit for Real-Time Brain-Sensing Wearable

NeoRhythm, U-shaped headband, is the latest innovation in the rapidly developing field of neuroscience, using a safe magnetic method of neuromodulation called Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF) to target specific areas of the brain with the purpose of helping the user reach a desired state of mind such as relaxation, focus or sleep. PEMF has been FDA-approved and used regularly by doctors worldwide for decades, MDCN Technologies said in a press release.

Here's how it works

The brain processes information about how we feel, behave and perform. The electrical footprint of its function is seen in the form of brain waves, which change depending on our activity.

NeoRhythm emits scientifically-validated dominant and accompanying frequencies to which the brain synchronizes, creating a perfect mental environment for the desired state of mind. The headband doesn’t just target the brain in general. It can be used in five different positions to better reach the area of the brain you want to stimulate.

NeoRhythm works without any wires or control buttons. Simply tap it twice to​ select the last mode used or to select another mode through the app on your smartphone.

With its advanced technology and design, NeoRhythm can be used in five different positions to better reach the area of the brain that needs to be stimulated and the wearer can choose from six stimulation programs, all of which are backed by scientific studies in the fields of PEMF and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS):

Improve Sleep: Helps the brain slow down and go into sleep mode by emitting frequencies of theta and delta brainwaves, which are naturally produced by the brain when we are sleeping.

Deep Relaxation: The headband emits a corresponding frequency of delta waves, and the brain synchronizes to reach a state of calmness.

Enhance Mental Capacity: This mode emits a dominant frequency of beta brainwaves, accompanied by a weaker frequency of gamma brainwaves, which are characteristic for the state of higher perception.

Read more Mendi Brain-Training Headset Lets You Train Your Brain Like You Would a Muscle

Pain Control: This program emits dominant gamma brainwave frequency with accompanying alpha brainwave frequency to decrease sensitivity to pain.

Meditation: Stimulates the brain with dominant theta waves, which are ideal for deep meditation, or dominant alpha waves, which are characteristic for a state of quiet focus.

Energy Plus Vitality: Energizes and re-vitalizes body and mind.

Sam Draper
December 10, 2020

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