April 2024: The Revolution Against Chronic Tremors

The GyroGlove revolutionizes the lives of many people suffering from tremors.

Image: GyroGear

In the ever-evolving world of medical wearable technologies, there is one technology that stands out, the GyroGlove. Approximately 200 million people worldwide suffer from lifelong, incurable hand tremor diseases such as Parkinson's disease.

That's why GyroGear has designed the world's most advanced hand tremor stabilizer, which is the first mechanical gyroscope medical device. The GyroGlove uses a powerful gyroscope to stabilize the user's hand so that tremors can be slowed down. This can significantly improve the user's quality of life.

The GyroGlove is a major innovation in this field, as current therapies are ineffective, drugs have significant side effects and surgical interventions are very risky.

About GyroGear

GyroGear was founded in 2016 with the mission to alleviate tremor problems and build a future free of tremor restrictions. GyroGear has also won seven Innovation Awards at CES 2024, including awards for Accessibility and Aging Tech, Digital Health and Wearable Technologies.

Sam Draper
April 1, 2024

April 2024

Innovation of the Month

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