WT | Studio

Masterclass with Datwyler, imec, and Mentalab

Want to get insights into the latest developments on dry-electrodes and algorithms for brain monitoring? Are you curious for the latest developments on devices to monitor brain signals? In this insightful presentation, experts and thought leaders in the field of electrodes, algorithms, manufacturing processes and consumer developments are coming together to discuss latest trends in brain monitoring. Tune in!

WT - Webinars

Studio Talk with B-Secur

Learn how B-Secur enables early detection of cardiovascular diseases through advanced algorithms.

Studio Talk with Makalot

Vertically-integrated innovation enables customized textile research, design, and development.

Interview with AURIMOD GmbH

Watch the interview with Stefan Kampusch, CEO from AURIMOD GmbH, here.

Interview with MediBioSense

Watch the interview from MediBioSense, here.
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