
David Knies

Global Lead, Sports, Fitness & Wellness

PA Consulting

David leads PA Consulting’s work globally across wellness, sports, fitness & consumer health, and is based in PA's Boston Studio.

He leads innovation engagements with the world’s leading businesses and early-stage disruptors looking to take their place, creating new platforms for growth and leadership in hyper-competitive B2B and B2C categories. Clients include well-known companies across the healthcare, biopharma, sports, fitness, food & beverage, wearables, and consumer health sectors.

David’s 30+ years of experience include 20 years client-side with high-growth businesses in sports, fitness & technology, and a decade as a partner in a Boston venture capital firm prior to joining PA. He has been an intrepreneur within large global organizations and a leader in rapidly scaling startups that reached successful exits.