Mobility Solutions and Wearables – Trends in Warehouse Operations

Wearable tech in warehouses boosts efficiency and productivity through seamless connectivity.

Zebra’s WT6000 Android wearable computer sets a standard for enterprise-class wearability with its smaller size and lighter weight than other wearables on the market. (Image: Zebra)

The year 2020 has been a blockbuster year for wearables. Mobility solutions and wearable warehouse technology are not new, but the level of sophistication delivered by them is helping warehouse managers re-invent their operations and achieve new levels of efficiency and productivity.

Read more Life-Saving Wearable Devices that Boost Safety for Construction Workers

Warehouse mobility solutions include wearable scanners, smartphones, vehicle-mounted computers, tablets, and mobile printers that allow warehouse workers to freely move around their workplace and remain fully connected regardless of location.

By delivering an uninterrupted flow of information across the business and the supply chain in real-time, mobility solutions and wearables have become part of standard warehouse operations.

Wearable mobile computers, often referred to as wearable terminals, offer a robust, hands-free tech solution that enables warehouse workers the freedom to focus on the job in-hand.

Prior to the pandemic, the Zebra Warehousing Vision Study found that 62% of warehouse operators said they planned to upgrade or add wearable mobile computers by 2022, reports DCVelocity.

Designed for workers in the warehousing and logistics industries, wearable mobile computers help to effectively streamline operations, while at the same time reduce human error.

Benefits of Wearable Mobile Computer

  • Lightweight solutions
  • Durability
  • Increased productivity
  • Multi-tasking
  • Accuracy

These wearable terminals can be easily worn on the wrist or the work belt. They help workers to do their job hands-free and focus on the job clear of any obstructions.

Some Examples of Wearable Mobile Computers

Zebra’s WT6000 wearable computer gives workers a lightweight, hands-free device they can wear on their wrist and forearm. Its industrial rugged design delivers maximum uptime in your most demanding environments. It allows workers to access warehousing software, pick lists, orders, and labeling with the touch of a screen.

Read more How Wearable Technology Could Revolutionize Manufacturing Industry

ProGlove’s wearable ‘Reel’ barcode scanner provides contactless scan. The company’s MARK Display scanner untethers workers from paper, from hand-held devices, and from static work-stations while keeping crucial information with workers at all times.

Sam Draper
December 16, 2020

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