

Solventum is a proven global leader in large, diverse and growing markets and is well positioned for success with a diverse portfolio of strong, trusted, reputable brands and deep innovation capabilities. Solventum solutions span across four business segments – Medical Surgical, Dental Solutions, Health Information Systems and Purification and Filtration. Solventum solutions are relied on everyday within the global healthcare industry, and ultimately contribute to higher-quality patient care, more efficient processes and workflow, and improved standards of safety and accuracy. For example, Solventum products have been used in over two billion dental restoration procedures worldwide, are estimated to treat 1.6 million hard-to-heal wounds annually, software solutions are used in many health systems worldwide — including over 75% of U.S. hospitals —and based on internal estimates, membrane technology is currently used annually in more than 25 million life-saving dialysis treatments. By listening to healthcare providers and patients, Solventum will continue to find new ways to achieve positive health outcomes and more efficient care.

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