
Advanced Health Intelligence

Advanced Health Intelligence (AHI) delivers scalable health risk assessment and risk stratification capabilities via smartphones, using proprietary technology and processes. It has developed patented, AI-driven digital healthcare technologies and componentised solutions for healthcare providers, insurers, employers, and government agencies worldwide.

Since 2014, AHI has delivered innovations including the Biometric Health Assessment, MultiScan and individual FaceScan and BodyScan, and DermaScan, starting with the world's first on-device body dimensioning capability. In less than fifteen minutes, the Biometric Health Assessment provides a comprehensive report of 82 health markers and risks across six health categories.

Its world-class team of experts in machine learning, artificial intelligence, bio-mathematical modelling and systems biology, computer vision, clinical expertise, and medically trained data scientists, ensures that AHI’s technology is at the forefront of innovation and the needs of its consumers.

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